This is one of the tastiest payasam's served in Ona Sadhya. Broken Wheat Pradaman/Payasam is  easy to prepare & in a short time (within 15 minutes) using minimal ingredients and of course nutritious too.

Broken Wheat Pradaman

Broken wheat/ Wheat rava/nurukku gothambu -1 cup (250gms)
Jaggery, grated - around 1 ¼ -1 ½ cup i.e. roughly 400gms (adjust according to your taste)
Coconut milk - from 1 ½ coconut
Cardamom, crushed – 4

Ghee- 1tablespoon
Cashew nut, broken – 10
Raisins- 10-15

Broken Wheat Kheer
  • Grind the coconut with hot water and extract 2 cups (1st extract) thick coconut milk,  6 cups (2nd extract) thin coconut milk and eight cups of (3rd extract) thinner coconut milk.
  • Melt the jaggery in 1 cup water and allow to reduce a little and sieve it.
  • In a pan add the rava, (3rd extract) thinner coconut milk and allow to cook well. When the rava almost cooked, add the melted jaggery.
  • Then add the (2nd extract) thin coconut milk and cardamom powder. When it’s gets a thicker consistency add the cashew and raisins roasted in ghee.
  • At last add the (1st extract) thick coconut milk, allow to heat a little and switch off the gas.
  • TIPS: Half the quantity of coconut milk can be replaced with cow’s milk if you like. 
  • Rasthali banana/ kathali pazham (chopped) can also be added before adding (1st extract) the thick coconut milk.